Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Sandals On A Shelf

You won’t believe this, but he’s sent me a postcard from Mauritius.
How it got here so quickly I’ll never know, he must have sent the damn thing by courier.

‘Shame you’re not here’ it said. The worst of it is, I don’t know if he’s being sarcastic or not.

Anyway, I don’t care, I’m glad I’m not there. What would I be doing except shopping endlessly by day and being paraded on his arm like a possession, by night. I feel sick now when I think of how he called me his ‘eye candy’.

No, I’m glad I’m here, not there; even if I am homeless and living like a pauper now. I’ve learnt more about myself in the last few days than I have in the last few years and I like this new person I’m getting to know. This is reality, this is me.

About the sandals though…..I’m keeping them. I’ll never wear them, but when I get my own place, I’m going to give them pride of place on a shelf. They will be a reminder that prosperity doesn’t always bring happiness.


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Yeah. It's a shame indeed. He can't show you off and feel good about the beauty he can attract.


Hang in there, girlfriend.

Bobkat said...

Gah! I just read back a few posts and read your TT on why you knew it wouldn't last.

He sounds like an ego maniac! Good for you for getting out and being strong!

Michele sent me to wish you well adn loads of luck!

carmilevy said...

His loss. He sounds like an absolute cad, and you sound like an absolute catch.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this, but I know that you'll be better off for it. He doesn't deserve you - he deserves a self-centred moron who has no self esteem. In other words, someone just like him.

You write beautifully, BTW. I found myself reading your archives and I simply couldn't stop. Can't wait to read more!

~Alexandra's Friend~ said...

Thanks for leaving such nice comments... you guys are the best kind of therapy!