Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Interview Anyone? (Thanks Leigh!)

What is it that you like to read most and why?

I like to read things I can just dip into and then put down again, so mostly newspapers and magazines. I like getting snippets of information that get me curious about something, then I’ll go to the library to find out more, or search for it on the internet. So I guess I like reading about current affairs, real life stuff. I ‘m not really into fiction and I can’t remember when I read a book last. I love reading letters, I have lots of family and friends abroad who send me airmail letters. To get a letter in the post is a real treat for me.

Are you a spiritual (not necessarily religious) person and if not do you feel like that it's an important chunk of your life missing?

My ex was a ‘born-again Christian’, my phrase, not his. I’ve never been into it, and to be honest I never really understood it. He tried to convert me…maybe that’s why it didn’t work out. I do believe in the after-life though, and I believe in ghosts so maybe I am spiritual after all. My grandmother- her ghost- came to me when I was a little girl and warned me ‘to beware of the bee’. A few hours later my mother heard that her aunt had died (my grandmother’s sister) and she told me that many people believe that ‘the bee’ is a fore-warning of death. I was very close to my grandmother and I believe she was looking out for me.

Do you have an irrational fear of anything and when was the first time you noticed it?

When I was very young, I had an irrational fear of people with scars on their faces. I don’t know what caused it, but I remember the first time I noticed it. I remember suddenly seeing an old man with a scar across his cheek- I was quite young, maybe 5 or 6 or so, and I was transfixed by this scar. I started imagining blood and gunk seeping out of the scar and dripping onto my foot. It was so real I almost thought it was happening. It made me feel sick, and I remember bursting into tears and running away from him. Unfortunately, I collided with a lady carrying a tray (I think we were at a restaurant or something like that) and there was chaos when I knocked the tray out of her hand. That made me cry even more and then my parents thought I was crying because I had made the lady drop the tray. I couldn’t get them to understand! When I turned around to show them the man, he had disappeared. They thought I must have imagined it.
After that, I couldn’t look at anyone with a scar on their face, although it’s fine if it is somewhere on the body. Its funny how that story sticks in my mind- writing about it now, I can still feel that fear! I still don’t like looking at scars now.

When was the last time that you talked to a friend and do you feel like you were able to be that kind of support for said person?

Well, I talked to my friend Jo this morning. We met in the park (she was pushing her daughter in the pram) and walked for a while. This is the first chance I’ve had to tell her about the break up, about why I’m not in Mauritius right now. She’s a really good friend, she didn’t say ‘I told you so’, even though I know she’s never liked him. Anyway, then I looked after her baby, I pushed her a bit longer in the pram and then sat with her in a coffee shop, whilst Jo went to buy herself a dress. She hates shopping with the baby in tow, so yes, I think we both offered each other support today.

Are you really outgoing or are you the kind of person who is very cautious about the type of people that they surround themselves with?

Well, I have to think about this! I am outgoing; I know that I talk a lot, sometimes too much. I just always feel I have so many important things to say, and I can’t keep up with my mind. My ex said I had an annoying habit of talking to three or four people at the same time, all different conversations though, and sometimes he couldn’t tell what I was saying to whom. I have become a much better listener though. Am I cautious about people? No. I wish I was…I tend to like everyone and find it hard to see people’s faults, and sometimes I’ve regretted that. I’ve got close to people and then realised they weren’t all they made themselves out to be.

So...your mission should you choose to accept it is:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your weblog with the answers to the questions. Remember to leave me a message on my blog to tell me you've done this.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.

Thanks Leigh, this was fun. You made me think hard about these things. I felt quite emotional, remembering about my grandmother, and 'Beware of the Bee'.

If you want to be interviewed, let me know!! C'mon, it'll be fun!


Janet said...

I liked your answers, particularly 2 & 3...does this mean you don't like Harry Potter? :-)

~Alexandra's Friend~ said...

Thanks Janet!

No, I actually love Harry Potter! I just don't like looking at his scar....even though it's not very realsitic!
I haven't really met anyone who doesn't like HP, especially here in England. There's excitement already at the new movie due out soon.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your answers! I've already done the interview meme, but it's a neat one, isn't it? You always learn a lot about somebody by reading their answers.

I know what you mean about people, too -- I'm not outgoing at all, and I tend to be cautious, but when I do come to trust I really trust, and it's very painful to find that somebody isn't who they made themselves out to be.

The key, I've found, is to press forward and not let one hurtful experience color the rest. Sometimes it's a tough challenge for somebody like me, but I hang in there! :)